Healthy Indoors® Online Global Community -- We Are All About Engagement Here!
When you sign up for either membership level, we want to make sure you get the most out of the community! We provide onboarding for new members several times each month, which is a little different than what you may have previously experienced on social media-based groups. We want you to meet our Community Managers and get introduced to other members that might share some common interests.
We’re here to help you through that awkward initial period. That’s why we’ve opted to bring new members into the community in smaller groups, so we can offer virtual onboarding meetups to demonstrate the platform and get everyone off to a good start. Our paced on-boarding process might take a bit longer to get you up and running, but we believe it will provide you with the best possible experience!
You need to login to the Community now to complete your registration process!
​Once you've filled out the Registration Form (pop up), you will need to login to our Community site for the first time to activate yourself as a New Member there. We recommend that you do this right after you register to ensure that your information is correctly copied there. The form data transfer is an automated process, but delaying your initial login occasionally causes issues. Please take a couple of minutes and do your first login now! Here's how to easily do that:
1. Click on "Enter the Community" in the Top Menu above.
This will take you to our Community login page.
2. Click "Continue with SSO Login" (Single Sign-On function from our membership portal).
​On your initial visit to the Community, you will be directed to a Welcome page where you can enter your Profile information. You should upload a profile photo, and include some details about yourself here.
You won't be directed to this page on subsequent visits!
3. Fill out your Community Profile information.
You have the options to make your email address visible on your profile, include your Social Links, and allowing other Community members to direct message you. You can update these, as well as your preferred Notifications settings in your profile anytime by clicking on your icon image that is located at the top right of the Community page.
Take a few minutes and complete your Profile information now!
4. Click "Continue" when you have completed your profile information & settings (You will see the Welcome pop-up window in the Community appear).
​Once you've completed your profile, you will be added to several spaces in the Community, completing your Registration for the site!
Your first space to visit as a New Member should be the Welcome - Getting Started space (page). There you will find our 4 Simple Steps for On Boarding, which will help you get started on the Community!
Let's get you started--Scroll up to the top of this page and click the "Enter the Community" tab in the menu to begin!
Please remember that your membership will not be fully activated until you login to the Community for the first time, so do that now!